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Decadent Keto Chocolate Peppermint Pie Recipe

Recipe By Keto and Co

Not only is this keto chocolate peppermint pie easy to make, but it'll be a huge hit at the dessert table! Using Keto Peppermint Decadent Dessert Mix and Keto Shortbread Cookie Mix, you'll have a creamy and chocolatey sensation that you'll savor with every bite.

What You'll Need:

For Chocolate Peppermint Pudding: (Requires 6 hours to set)

- 2 cups almond milk (or water), divided

- 2 Tbsp butter (or coconut oil), melted

- 1/4 cup heavy cream (or additional almond milk)


- 1 cup butter (2 sticks), softened

- 1 large egg, beaten

- Parchment paper and rolling pin


Chocolate Peppermint Decadent Dessert:

1. Combine dessert mix with 1 cup almond milk, stir. Wait 3 minutes, then stir until smooth.

2. Heat mixture over low heat, stirring constantly until there are no visible granules (3-5 minutes). Do not boil.

3. Remove from heat, add butter (or coconut oil) and stir until blended. Stir in 1 additional cup almond milk and 1/4 cup heavy cream (or more almond milk).

4. Cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate 6 hours or overnight.


1. Preheat oven to 350 F and grease or line deep dish.

2. Combine cookie mix, butter, and egg in a medium mixing bowl and mix until smooth dough forms.

3. Line a deep dish with unbaked crust, crimping the edges.

5. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until edges are lightly brown.

6. Once crust is cooled, pour in your Decadent Dessert (there will be some leftover)

7. Serve immediately with sugar-free whipped cream on top!

Makes 8 servings. Each serving has 342 calories, 3.3g net carbs, 7g protein and 34g fat.

Optional: Keto Whipped Cream

*Combine 1 cup cold heavy whipping cream, 1 Tbsp Keto and Co's Wondrose Sugar Replacer (or 1 1/2 Tbsp powdered erythritol), and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract in a medium mixing bowl. Whip vigorously until soft peaks form (electric mixer recommended). Serve immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day.

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